[Chaos CD]
[Datenschleuder] [60]    LYING FUCKS!
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To everyone I know : I've had enough of the bullshit, mind-control fascism surfacing at an increasingly fast pace in an assault on freedom and privacy. Yve also had enough of the constant lies of an established political power structure which is now so firmly entrenched in the seat of power that they no longer even bother to tell *-good - * lies. The final straw, for me, was the inevitable announcement that anyone paying the least attention could see coming from a mile away, despite all of the flag-waving, 'land of the free' speeches, and denials by those in power of their true intentions in regard to the future of free speech, liberty and privacy.

5 September 1997, MSNBC: FBI Director Louis Freeh floats a new proposal at a congressional hearing to outlaw non- breakable crypto products.

Accordingly, I am pledging to henceforth exercise my right to free speech, in my own manner, right up to the time when we all face imprisonment for not only free speech, but for freedorn of thought as well. My manner is to call a lying fuck a lying fuck; to call a rat fucker a rat fucker . to call a fucking imbecile a fucking imbecile; to call a Nazi piece of shit a Nazi piece of Shit. In the future, I plan to express myself in a manner which does not give support to the 'quiet lies' that are inereasingly being told by the mainstream press and a timid public which are either too tired of fighting the fascists or have too much invested in the current system to risk rocking the boat by calling for an end to bullshit, draconian laws, and increasing oppression and imprisonment of the eitizens of what were once free nations. I intend to do so in my private emails, my public posts, and in the editing of news that I forward to others.


The Fascist White House, Terrorist FBI and co-conspirator intelligence agencies claim that the proliferation of unbreakable encryption products puts the nation at risk. Unnamed Criminals and Mythical terrorists are increasingly using unbreakable encryption products, Lying Fuck Freeh testified Wednesday. I am forwarding this message to everyone in my email address book with the suggestion that they consider doing the same, or to take a similar action which may be more in line with their own character and predelictions. The bottom line: Our elected legislators, politicians, and public servants are *not* going to tell us the truth. The media is *not* going to tell us the truth. lf the citizens don't speak truthfully to one another, then there is *no* hope of stemming the escalating assaults on privacy and liberty.

As sole member of the TruthMonger Cult of One: I hereby declare an electronic state of war against the dictatorial, fascist entities who are attempting to build an ElectroMagnetic Curtain around an InterNet that served as a truly demoeratic forum for Free Netizens until the power structure declared it to be the forefront of a New World, while eschewing any intentions to bring it under the thumb of a New World Order.

I suggest that the Lying Fascist Fucks who are mounting an assault on the freedorn and privacy of their citizens lay in some Electronic Body Bags. Perhaps each truthful word I shoot in their direction will be but a negligable 'B-B' in reality, but I refuse to refrain from doing what I can, even if I am wrong about things having reached a stage where enough people will join in resistance to the assault on freedom and privacy to bring down the ElectroMagnetic curtain with a mountain of B-B's.

I can't stop these dictatorial fascists from telling their lies, but I *can* still express my view of their crass assault on the constitutional rights of myself and others. I *can* call Louis Frech, Lying Fuck Freeh. I *can* call Bill Clinton, Lying Nazi Schill Clinton. I *can* call Dianne Feinstein, Lying Cunt SwineStein. I not only *can*, but I *will .

I will fight with bytes, even though I know that, ultimately, these increasingly violent power mongers will respond with bullets if they perceive a great enough threat to risk exposing their true nature and intentions. I believe that I can fire a lot of B-B's at the ElectroMagnetic Curtain before I'commit suicide', have a 'tragic accident', or unwittingly fire one of my electronic B-B's in the direction of heavily armed, eamoflaged secret troops 'defending' the Electronic Border that the fascists are attempting to build around a formerly Free InterNet.

Am I the only one who has noticed that free speech and private communication on the InterNet posed little 'threat' to society until the government decided to get increasingly involved? Think about it. Who is the enemy? The Public? The Citizens? I think not...

"The Xenix Chainsaw massacre", http://bureau42.base.org/public/xenix

"WebWorld & the Mythical Circle of Eunuchs", http://bureau42.base.org/public/webworld

"The Final Frontier", http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/carljohn

TrathMonger, <tm@devnull>

Mandatory key escrow bill text,

backed by FBI

All encryption products distributed in or imported into the U.S. after January 1, 1999 must have a key escrow backdoor for the government according to an FBI-backed proposal circulating on Capitol Hill. The measure would impose a similar requirement on "public network service providers" that offer data-scrambling services. FBI Director Louis Freeh talked about this proposal, without disclosing legislation existed, at a Senate sub-committee haring on Wednesday.

Domestic use and sale of encryption has never been regulated. Attached is an excerpt from the draft "Secure Public Networks Act" dated August 28.




(a) As of January 1, 1999, public network service providers offering encryption products or encryption services shall ensure that such products or services enable the immediate decryption of communications or electronic information encrypted by such products or services on the public network, upon receipt of a court order, warrant, or certification, pursuant to section 106, without the knowledge or cooperation of the person using such encryption products or services.

(b) As of January 1, 1999, it shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture for sale or distribution within the U.S., distribute within the U.S., sell within the U.S., or import into the U.S., any product that can be used to encrypt communications or electronic information, unless that product:

(1) includes features, such as key recovery, trusted third party compatibility or other means, that

(A) permit immediate decryption upon receipt of decryption information by an authorized party without the knowledge or cooperation of the person using such encryption product; and

(B) is either enabled at the time of manufacture, distribution, sale, or import, or may be enabled by the purchase or end user; or

(2) can be used only on systems or networks that include features, such as key recovery, trusted third party compatibility or other means, that permit immediate decryption by an authorized party without the knowledge or cooperation of the person using such encryption product.

(c) (1) Within 180 days of the enactment of this Act the Attomey General shall publish in the Federal Register functional criteria for complying with the decryption requirements set forth in this section.

(2) Within 180 days of the enactment of this Act, the Attorney General shall promulgate procedures by which data network service providers sand eneryption product manufacturers, sellers, re-sellers, distributors, and importers may obtain advisory opinions as to whether a decryption method will meet the requirements of this section.

(3) Nothing in this Act or any other law shall be construed as requiring the implementation of any particular decryption method in order to satisfy the requirements of paragraphs (a) or (b) of this section.

My report on the September 3 "maindatory key escrcw" Senate hearing: http://jya.com/declan6.htm

Transcript of FBI director Louis Freeh's remarks at Sep 3 hearing, http://jya.com/fbi-gak.txt

Reuters' Aaron Pressman on Commerce Dept backing away from FBI, http://www.pathfinder.com/ret/latest/RB/1997Sep05/248.html

Declan McCullagh <declan@well.com>

Geld sparen beim Hotelfernsehen

Oft trifft der gestreßte Reisende abends im Hotel auf einen Fernseher, der die Pay-TV-Kanäle nur gegen ein überhöhtes Entgeld freigeben will. Meist handelt es sich dabei um ein Produkt der Firma Grundig, das die gesperrten Kanäle nach Ablauf der Schnupperzeit hinter einem Overlay aus Videotextklötzchen verbirgt. Nach Abnehmen des Gehäuses und

Herausziehen der Grundplatine auf der Rückseite des Fernsehers zeigt sich links vorne (vorne ist, wo Netzschalter und IR-Auge sind) in der Nähe eines größeren Prozessors ein gesockelter und beschrifteter EPROM.

Nach Entfernung desselben funktioniert der Fernseher wie gehabt, nur ohne die störenden Videotextklötzchen. frank@ccc.de

A Tribute To The Queen Of Hearts


Die französische Firma CILAS, ein Ableger der Bombenbastler von Aeorspatiale France, hat ein neues Marktsegment für ihren "Sight Laser Detector 400" entdeckt. Das Gerät scannt mit einem Laser seine Umgebung mit einer Rechweite von vier Kilometern nach optischen Linsen ab. Wenn der Laserstrahl auf eine solche Linse trifft entsteht eine spezifische Reflektion, die erkannt und ausgewertet wird. Besonders gut geht das natürlich mit den Teleobjektiven von Paparazzi.

Ursprüngliches Erkennungsziel der Entwicklung waren die Zielfernrohre von Scharfschützen und andere militärische Beobachtungsgeräte. Über Preis, Lieferumfang und Schnittstellen zu automatischen Beschuß-Erwiederungseinheiten des etwa sieben Kilogramm schweren Apparates liegen noch keine Informationen vor.

Eine weitere interessante Anwendungsmöglichkeit dürfte die Aufspürung der diversen Überwachungskameras sein, mit denen die Hüter von Ordnung und Sicherheit ihre Schäfchen bewachen.


Moderne Ermittlungsmethoden in alter Tradition

Die französischen Ermittlungsbehörden haben sich im Mordfall Diana mittlerweile auf die guten alten Traditionen des Focaultschen Überwachungsapparates besonnen.

Die Flics gaben bekannt, daß nunmehr die Funktelefone der am Tatort festgenommenen und gesichteten Reporter überprüft werden. Festgestellt werden soll, ob und wann von den Vertretern der Freien PresseTM, Polizei und Krankenwagen angrufen wurden. So soll die etwas dürftige Beweislage der Ermittlungen wegen unterlassener Hilfeleistung erweitert werden.

Ob das Verfahren künftig generell auf alle Funktelefonbesitzer ausgedehnt werden soll, die in Frankreich an einem Unfall vorbeikommen, ist nicht bekannt.



  [Chaos CD]
[Datenschleuder] [60]    LYING FUCKS!
[Gescannte Version] [ -- ] [ ++ ] [Suchen]